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Product description
Broncolor Move 1200 L Outdoor Kit 2
The Broncolor Move 1200L outdoor Kit 2 is for photographers who shoot more outdoors than indoors in the studio. They love the mobile broncolor Move 1200 L with this lithium battery.
A lightweight package of only 6 kg, no bigger than an average camera bag, but with a generous 1200 J of power on board.
The broncolor Move is completely asymmetrical, has a control range of 9 f-stops and guarantees absolute color stability by applying broncolor's patented ECTC (Enhanced Color Temperature Control) technology. The Move 1200 L has a very short flash duration of 1/8500 s t 0.1 (1/20'000 s t 0.5), making almost every creative application within reach. Flowing dresses, jumping models, dance, sports, portrait, fashion and even high-end reproduction, nothing is too crazy for this small, versatile powerhouse. The replaceable lithium battery guarantees a long operating time, low weight and a service life of up to 4000 charging cycles. Especially for Nikon, Canon and Sony DSLR users, the Move 1200 L has the new built-in broncolor HS function, which in combination with the also new RFS 2.2 transceivers makes it possible to flash with very short shutter speeds of up to 1/8000s.
PRODUCT FEATURES: Broncolor Move 1200 L Outdoor Kit 2
- Asymmetrical
- Control range of 9 F-stops
- Color stability
- Not bigger than an average camera bag
- Short flash duration of 1/8500 s t 0.1 (1/20'000 s t 0.5)
- Replaceable lithium battery
- Lifespan up to 4000 charge cycles
- Built-in Broncolor HS function for Nikon, Canon and Sony DSLR users
- 1200 J power
- Weight: 6 kg
- 1 x Broncolor Move 1200 L power pack
- 1 x Broncolor Move lithium battery
- 1 x Broncolor Move / Mobil A2L lithium battery charger
- 1 x Broncolor Weatherproofed power pack soft case
- 2 x Broncolor MobiLED lamp head
- 1 x Broncolor Softbox 60x60
- 1 x Broncolor speed ring
- 1 x Broncolor Umbrella silver 85cm
- 1 x Broncolor MobiLED continuous light adapter
- 1 x Broncolor Move Outdoor Trolley Backpack