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Product description
Calibrite ColorChecker Video
Ensure accurate and intuitive color management throughout your filming process with the Calibrite ColorChecker Video. Designed specifically for creators, this color management solution ensures balance and control from start to finish.
Color chart and white balance chart
The card consists of two sides that can be used both. On the front you will find a color chart and on the back a spectrally neutral white balance chart. You use this white balance card to create an in-camera white balance so that you can start at a neutral point with all the footage you are going to make.
Color chips
The color chart on the front consists of several parts. For example, it is equipped with six saturated and six unsaturated color chips and six skin color chips from light to dark and with different undertones.
The right gray balance
Four gray levels help you get the right gray balance. The linear grayscale in steps of six ensures an even gray balance with highlights and shadows.
Set lighting
In order to obtain the correct lighting on the set, the card has black and white boxes on two corners. These help you to set an even lighting.
PRODUCT FEATURES: Calibrite ColorChecker Video
- Specially designed for video productions
- Provides balance and control throughout the entire filming process
- Front with video color card
- Rear with spectrally neutral white balance card
- Color chart consists of chromatic color, skin color and gray reference chips
- Linear gray scale for an even gray balance
- Black and white color chips help you with correct exposure
- Color matching possible with multiple cameras
- Dimensions of 21.6 x 27.9 centimeters
- 1 x Calibrite ColorChecker Video Card