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Product description
Lighting Filters Tints which complement the Original Colour Magic pack to create alternative shades.
Size of the Filters 250 x 300 mm.
344 Violet Dusk effect, good skin tones, romantic effect
048 Rose Purple Good for emulating evening. Great backlight.
174 Dark Steel Blue Set lighting, creates good moonlight shadows
131 Marine Blue Romantic moonlight, ballet, underwater scenes
088 Lime Green use with gobos for leafy glades. Good for pantomimes, giving a slightly sinister atmosphere.
100 Spring Yellow Sunlight wash, use with gobos, disco, dark skin tone
108 English Rose Warm tint wash, dark flesh tones, softer skin tones.
164 Flame Red Fire effect
157 Pink Dance sequences (useful for softening white costumes without affecting skin tones)
002 Rose Pink Strong pink wash, good for cycloramas.
228 Brushed Silk Non flameproof diffusion material used for cattering light in one direction
250 Half white diff. Non flameproof diffusion used for soft light effects